HENDERSON LIMA (Phaseolus lunatus), also known as Baby Butter Bean, was introduced in 1885 as Wood's Prolific Bush, then sold to Peter Henderson of New York and renamed in 1887. A sure cropper, even in the North and during adverse weather. Dark green pods contain 3-4 small green seeds that dry creamy-white. Bush habit. 60-75 days. Growing Zones 3-11. 50 seeds.
HEALTH BENEFIT: Aside from the fiber and vitamin content that all beans offer, white beans have the highest content (107 mg/100g) of a compound called Phosphatidylserine, which boosts cognitive function and memory. Athletes use to ramp up their performance as well. Many commercial sources of phosphatidylserine come from bovine brains, not considered a safe source anymore.
GROWING TIP: All beans and peas are legumes and benefit from "inoculating" with rhizobacteria. These bacteria do the work of taking gaseous nitrogen from the air and "fixing" or concentrating it in pink root nodules which then slough off, adding nitrogen to the soil in a form other plants can take up as a nutrient. Inoculating your beans and peas will increase germination, and the health of your plants, helping them growing large roots and thus healthier plants. Growing pole beans with corn provides an extra shot of nitrogen to the corn, a wonderful natural symbiotic relationship that the Native Americans understood very well. You will see a big difference in overall results. Healthy legumes should also be turned under the soil when production ends as they are excellent green manure for your next crops.