RAINBOW CHARD (Beta vulgaris) is also known as Five Color Leaf Beet in the UK where this comes from. An improved version of an open-pollinated heirloom it makes an astonishingly beautiful presentation in the garden or decorative border. Broad leaved chard with brightly colored red, pink, white, orange and yellow stems extends to the veins in the leaves. Excellent as a baby leaf in salads although the color is not as spectacular at this stage. At maturity produces sweet crisp stalks. 30 days to baby (salad) stage; 60 days full maturity. 50 Seeds.
NUTRITION: Low in calories and fats, chard of any kind is recommended for weight reduction diets. But it is so much more. Excellent source of phytonutrients, high in Vitamins C, K, A and the B's. Also a good source of minerals such as copper, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese and phosphorous. Regular inclusion of chard in the diet is found to prevent osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, vitamin A deficiency and believed to protect from cardiovascular diseases and colon and prostate cancers.
GROWING TIPS: Sow directly (doesn't like transplanting). Give cover and protection in severe weather. Keep well-watered when getting established. Treat like cut-and-come again lettuce, harvesting only what you need but frequently to keep the plant bushy and encourage new growth.