NASTURTIUM JEWEL MIX (Tropaeolum majus) is an outstanding blend of red, rose, yellow, orange, cream and some bi-colors. The leaves and flowers are very high in Vitamin C and also mustard oil, so they are nice to float on soups or tomato juice (or bloody marys) and sprinkle over salads. Saw one creative chef who made rice paper wraps with the flowers showing through -- gorgeous! The buds are pickled like capers. Likes cool evenings, but hangs in there during the hottest ones of summer. And I like to grow in pots so I can extend the harvest in the fall by bringing indoors. These are dwarf nasturtiums, which are much faster to flower than the climbing. 12"-16"H. 55-65 Days from direct sow. 15 seeds.
ABOUT NASTURTIUMS: All parts of the nasturtium is edible, and in fact were historically regarded as vegetables as well as ornamentals. The flowers are beautiful additions to salads and the buds were pickled like capers. The only caveat is that you shouldn't eat too many of the buds, which are high in oxalic acid. They are also useful companion plants because they repel squash bugs and cucumber beetles, among other garden pests. The mustard oil compounds in nasturtium convert to a disinfectant when added to water. They have been used to relieve respiratory congestion, stimulate digestion, as a source for Vitamin C and iodine. However, they should not be eaten in great quantities, nor applied topically, because they can irritate the skin and internally. And they were historically grown by South American peoples for their nutritious root known as "mashua."
GROWING TIPS: Sow outside one week after last frost 1/4" beneath surface of soil. Germinates in 10-14 days. Prefers full sun and average moist soil and no fertiizer.