BLACK EYED SUSAN (Rudbeckia hirta) is an American prairie heirloom well-known and deservedly beloved. It greets me like an old friend early every summer and lasts until frost. A single plant can produce hundreds of blooms over the summer and into fall. Butterflies love these flowers. A self-seeding biennial that tolerates almost any site and most soils. One of the best seed investments you can make in your decorative border. 2-3' tall. Hardy to zone 3. 100 seeds.
GROWING TIPS: Direct seed in the fall or 2-3 weeks before last frost or start indoors 6-8 weeks before planting out in spring. Light dependent germinators so press the seed into the soil but do not cover. Keep seeds fairly moist but not wet. Once they germinate do not let them dry out until established. This is a star performer, even in North Carolina's notorious drought! Biennial to flower stage/then Perennial. Also self-seeds handily.
SEED SAVING: So easy. Just pick the mature heads as they start to die out. Dry until brittle. Then crush the heads and winnow the chaff. One head can grow a meadow of flowers!