GRANON MACHE (Valerianella locasta), also known as Corn Salad, is a much improved open-pollinated salad green with round thick succulent leaves that won't defy your fork! So fast ... 35 days to maturity. 100 Seeds.
ABOUT MACHE . . .Mache is a green with extraordinary properties. Just 5 ounces contains 95% of our recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Lamb's Lettuce is one of the rare green winter vegetables. Beneath its chlorophyll, these little leaves contain large amounts of an orange pigment called beta-carotene, a natural anti-oxidant that combats cell aging. It's even better when combined with vitamin C, as is the case with Lamb's Lettuce. Together these two vitamins help us stay in top form throughout the winter. High levels of Vitamin B-9 help defeat stress. This is simply a wonderful, delicious, and healthy green to grow!
GROWING TIPS: Easy to grow. This variety prefers cooler weather so it should be direct sown as soon as the ground can be worked. Or grow in pots under a grow light all winter long in 6-8" pots. Likes a nitrogen-rich feed like dried blood. Keep picked so it is bushy not leggy. Do not allow to dry out completely, but don't let it be soggy.