BLUE VERVAIN (Verbena hastata), is an American native medicinal herb which is traditionally used as a calming tea and sleep aid. But it is also a stunning decorative in the garden or meadow! Tall, slender, spires grow 5' and produce brilliant lavender flowers from July to September that attract all kinds of bees, including long-tongued bees seeking nectar. Perennial. 50 seeds.
MEDICINAL & CULINARY: This herb is undergoing some serious study for possible use in treating cancer and other diseases. It contains many different compounds and chemicals that may prove beneficial. Native Americans knew that, and used the herb extensively to treat diarrhea, as a sedative, for fevers and coughs, ulcers, stomach aches and to expel worms. As a poultice it was used to treat headaches and rheumatism. The tea was also drunk by nursing mothers to increase breast milk and to treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones. Native Americans gathered the edible seed and ground it into a powder for flour. Gather the leaves before flowers open and dry them quickly for medicinal tea.
GROWING TIPS: Requires moist, cold stratification for germination for 4-8 weeks, or sow in Fall. Transplant to moist area. Good selection for edge of stream or pond.