CATNIP (Nepeta Cataria) is a staple in my garden and has been grown in America since at least the 1700s. Bushy plants spread 2-3' when mature. Very drought-tolerant once plants are established. Perennial in zones 3-4, but I have had success maintaining this plant year to year in zone 7 with some refresher seeding. You may too if you give it a protected corner. Keep it pinched back to prevent it going to seed and you will have bushy healthy plants all during the growing season. Useful in the vegetable garden as well as it deters flea beetles, so inter-plant with your eggplant! 50 seeds.
MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: High in Vitamin C. The leaves have a euphoric effect for cats and a mild sedative effect for their humans. My cats are gracious enough to share their large patch of this wonderful herb with me from time to time. Brew in tea, fresh or dried.
GROWING TIPS: Start indoors 6-12 weeks before last frost date, hardening off before transplanting. Or direct sow, if your location will permit (it thrives when direct sown here in central North Carolina zone 7B with plenty of time to complete its cycle). Once established keep pinched back to maintain and prevent going to seed. Germination can be slow, taking 3 weeks or more, so be vigilant and don't let dry out, but don't soak either.