BRONZE FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare) is an Italian heirloom delightful not only for culinary purposes, but it is also decorative and attracts swallowtail butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects to your garden. The feathery aromatic foliage grows 4' high and ranges from bronze to smoky purple and becomes dotted with brilliant yellow flowers. Sprigs of this plant make a beautiful herbal bed for fish dishes. 25 seeds.
MEDICINAL: Fennel seed has been used as an appetite suppressant and diuretic, as well as de-toxify the body. This herb has traditionally been used to improve digestion, promote lactation, relieve abdominal cramps, alleviate pinworms, and parasitic microbials. Gather seed and brew as a tea for maximum effect.
GROWING TIPS: Direct sow in late spring. Very easy to grow. And will self-sow if you don't deadhead it completely or harvest it without leaving some to go to seed.