BABY BLUE MORNING GLORY (Ipomoea purpurea) is aptly named because everything about it is soft and gentle. The color is a true baby blue and it is baby-sized, as morning glories go, measuring just under 2" across. The buds are pink edged, but open to the blue with white throat and a soft ruffled edge. I like to plant morning glories at the foot of an antique rose bush because they don't start scrambling until the rose is done and gives color in August through the first killing frost to an area that would otherwise be problematic. It is then pretty easy to pull the dead vines (and seed pods) out at the same time you are preparing your rose for the winter. This lovely little ipomoea self-sows here in Zone 7B. Annual. 10 seeds. PLEASE NOTE: ARIZONA LAW PROHIBITS SHIPPING ANY IPOMOEA TO AZ.
GROWING TIPS: After danger of last frost, scarify or soak the seeds prior to planting, but beyond that, don't fuss! In fact, the less you do the happier these seem to be. When I coddle them they won't grow for me but if I just stomp them in the ground they joyously burst forth! Plants grow 8-10' or more if given support and will cover a trellis or arbor handily. Don't fertilize this one - but they do prefer a neutral to sweet soil, so if horticultural lime is necessary, by all means. Did you know that morning glories are fairly accurate predictors of weather? They are wide open when the weather is fair and when they shut rain and foul weather are on the way.