The declining populations of butterflies is a concern for us all not only for their role as pollinators, but also for the beauty and grace they provide. So gardeners need to do all they can to support butterflies in their gardens, especially during mating and migration periods. Of most importance is avoiding all pesticides in your garden and growing flowers that will feed them and offer places to lay their eggs. But supplying a Butterfly Puddling Pool is also very important, especially during periods of extreme heat. Butterflies have specific needs in this regard. They don't like to use birdbaths, as they are typically too deep. A shallow water source, preferably with sand and salt added, is wonderful.
This Fit Of Pique Butterfly Puddling Pool / fountain is composed of two pieces of exquisite vintage cobalt glass. It measures 13.5" H x 9.5" across at the top of its pleated bowl. To use, add sand and salt and then enough water to keep the sand moist. The easiest way to do that is to just give it a spritz when you are watering your flowers. The base is filled with blue and green crystal chunks to provide weight for stability. Ideally, you will put this in a location in your garden that provides the butterflies with some protection from wind, but also plenty of sunshine. Now, if you would prefer, you can purchase a small solar fountain and use that with the bowl filled with water. It is such a pretty piece, and blue is so rare in the garden, that you should be visually delighted either way. This is a heavy piece with some fragility. It will be carefully packaged, but you can also choose local pick up to save shipping cost if you are within pickup range of Warrenton NC 27589.