SAINT JOHN'S WORT (Hypericum perforatum) is a highly esteemed medicinal herb known since ancient times. A shrubby plant with yellow flowers, it grows to 12" and flowers early. Perennial. 50 seeds.
MEDICINAL USES: Long and widely used for its mild sedative qualities, it is the flowering tops that are brewed in teas and made into tinctures. Steeping in a bottle of olive oil in the sun will produce a red solution that is effective in healing burn wounds. Warning: Not recommended for anyone on any kind of medication, as it can interfere with your medication's effectiveness and increase side-effects. Regular or overuse is also not recommended as it can result in unpleasant side effects such as increased sensitivity to sunlight, anxiety, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, headache, or sexual dysfunction.
DYERS: Gives a red dye when using a tin/vinegar mordant.
GROWING TIPS: Sow seed indoors 8-10 weeks before hardening off and planting outside 2-3 weeks before last frost. Sow seeds just beneath the surface of the soil. Germination in 15-25 days. Prefers full sun to partial shade.